Professor Li He earned BSc & MSc at Beihang University (1982, 1984), and PhD at Cambridge University (1990). He remained at Cambridge as a postdoc and a college research fellow until 1993. He then moved to Durham University as Lecturer (1993), promoted to Reader (1998) and Professor (2000). At Durham, he had become the Head of Thermofluids and the Director of Research for the School of Engineering, before being elected to the 5-year Royal Academy of Engineering/Rolls-Royce Research Chair at Oxford (2008-2013).
He holds the Statutory Chair Professorship of Computational Aerothermal Engineering at University of Oxford, and is the Oxford co-director of the EPSRC Centre of Doctoral Training (CDT) in Gas Turbine Aerodynamics. He had been the head of the Osney Laboratory (2008-2011), and the acting director of the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre (UTC) in heat transfer and aerodynamics (2008-2010). During his tenure of the headship, the Osney Lab had undertaken a major (18 months) relocation and doubled the number of academics. Li He was also responsible for the final selection of the 2nd generation Oxford Turbine Rotor Facility (OTRF). The new Osney Lab, officially opened by the Vice-Chancellor of the University in September 2010, has been the renewed centre of turbomachinery research in Oxford (known as ‘Oxford Thermofluids Institute’ since 2018).
Professor He’s primary research interest is in developing unsteady aerodynamic, aeroelastic and aerothermal prediction and design/optimization methods. He is recognised for instigating the Fourier methods for turbomachinery in 1990s. Since then, the Fourier methods have been further developed in various forms, implemented in many commercial, industrial and research CFD codes for practical applications worldwide. The corresponding development efforts have also evolved into an active research topic area over the past 20 years.
He has been an invited speaker in keynote and plenary lectures at a number of international conferences, also at the VKI lecture series on turbomachinery unsteady flow and aeroelasticity and the NATO lecture series on gas turbine design optimization. He has been associate editor for the Aeronautical Journal (since 2012), the ASME Journal of Turbomachinery (2012-2019) and the Journal of Global Power and Propulsion Society, GPPS (2014-2019). He was a special issue guest editor for the Journal of Turbomachinery (2018-2019), the International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics (2012-2013), and the Journal of Applied Thermal Engineering (2020-2021). He served as the Review Chair for the GPPS technical conference in Shanghai (2017), and the Conference Chair of the 15th International Symposium of Unsteady Aerodynamics, Aeroelasticity and Aeroacoustics in Turbomachinery (ISUAAAT15). Since January 2020, He has been serving as the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of GPPS.
Prof He’s publications include more than 120 journal articles and 10 patents (as the lead applicant) filed in UK, Europe and US on novel turbomachinery aerothermal applications. He is recipient of six ASME best paper prizes in various topic areas: in Heat Transfer (2009, 2017, 2020), in Turbomachinery Aerodynamics (2015, 2020), and in Steam Turbines (2017). He is also recipient of the 2017 GPPS best paper prize, and the 2020 ASME Gas Turbine Award.
Professor He was elected to Fellow of ASME in 2006, and Fellow of Royal Aeronautical Society in 2011.
Research Interests
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Heat Transfer
- Aerodynamic/Aero-elastic phenomena
- Validation Methods
- Unsteady Flows
Research Groups
Some Recent Publications
- He, L. “Spectral Heat Transfer Coefficient for Thermal Design Analysis—Part 1: Augmenting the Cooling Law for Non-Isothermal Wall”, Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol.147(6), 2025.
- He, L. “Spectral Heat Transfer Coefficient for Thermal Design Analysis—Part II: Leveraging Diabatic Wall Conditioning for Nonlinear Regime”, Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol.147(6), 2025.
- He, L. “Spectral Heat Transfer Coefficient for convection”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.216, 124557, Dec 2023.
- He L. “Chapter 2 - Conjugate Heat Transfer: Some Fundamentals and Recent Progress”, Book Series “Advances in Heat Transfer”, Elsevier, May 2023.
- He, L., “Two-scale Conjugate Heat Transfer Solution for Micro-structured Surface”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol.95, Issue 8, Aug, 2023.
- Chen, C., and He, L, “Two-scale Solution for Tripped Turbulent Boundary Layer”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol.955, A5, Jan 2023.
- Chen, C., and He, L, “On Locally Embedded Two-scale Solution for Wall-bounded Turbulent Flows”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol.933, A47, Feb, 2022.
- He, L. “Averaging for High Fidelity Modeling—toward Large Eddy Simulations in Multi-Passage Multi-Row Configurations”, Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol.143(2), Feb, 2021.
- Kapsis, M, and He, L., et al “Multiscale Parallelized Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling Toward Resolving Manufacturable Roughness”, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol.142(2), Feb, 2020.
- He, L., “Closely Coupled Fluid-Solid Interface Method with Moving-average for LES based Conjugate Heat Transfer Solution”, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol.79, Oct, 2019.
- He, L., “Multiscale Block Spectral Solution for Unsteady Flows”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol.86 (10), Apr, 2018.
- He, L, and Yi, J., “Two-Scale Methodology for URANS / Large Eddy Simulation Solutions of Unsteady Turbomachinery Flows”, Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol.139(10), Oct, 2017.
- He, L. and Fadl, M., “Multi-scale Time Integration for Transient Conjugate Heat Transfer”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol.83(12), Apr, 2017