Dr Coull completed his undergraduate degree in Engineering at the University of Cambridge in 2005, before studying for his PhD under the supervision of Prof Howard Hodson at the Whittle Laboratory. His thesis examined unsteady boundary layer transition in the low-pressure turbines of aircraft engines, and the implications for engine design. He held the post of Rolls-Royce Senior Research Fellow at Magdalene College, Cambridge from 2010-19.
John’s research interests cover many aspects of turbine aerodynamics and heat transfer, together with fundamental fluid flow and measurement techniques, including Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Sensors (MEMS).
Most Recent Publications
Implementation of cooling slots at the pressure side rims of squealer tips
Implementation of cooling slots at the pressure side rims of squealer tips
High Effectiveness Tip Cooling Using Inclined Slots
High Effectiveness Tip Cooling Using Inclined Slots
The Impact of Manufacturing Variations on the Aerothermal Performance of High-Pressure Turbine Blade Shrouds
The Impact of Manufacturing Variations on the Aerothermal Performance of High-Pressure Turbine Blade Shrouds
Pneumatic-probe measurement errors caused by fluctuating flow angles
Pneumatic-probe measurement errors caused by fluctuating flow angles
Numerical Investigation of Real Roughness Scales on Boundary Layer Transition
Numerical Investigation of Real Roughness Scales on Boundary Layer Transition
Research Interests
- Turbine Aerodynamics
- Heat Transfer and Cooling
- Boundary Layer Transition
- Aerodynamic Measurement Techniques
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
- Micro-Electrical-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) Sensors
Most Recent Publications
Implementation of cooling slots at the pressure side rims of squealer tips
Implementation of cooling slots at the pressure side rims of squealer tips
High Effectiveness Tip Cooling Using Inclined Slots
High Effectiveness Tip Cooling Using Inclined Slots
The Impact of Manufacturing Variations on the Aerothermal Performance of High-Pressure Turbine Blade Shrouds
The Impact of Manufacturing Variations on the Aerothermal Performance of High-Pressure Turbine Blade Shrouds
Pneumatic-probe measurement errors caused by fluctuating flow angles
Pneumatic-probe measurement errors caused by fluctuating flow angles
Numerical Investigation of Real Roughness Scales on Boundary Layer Transition
Numerical Investigation of Real Roughness Scales on Boundary Layer Transition
Folk, M, Miller, R.J. and Coull, J.D., 2019, The Impact of Combustor Turbulence on Turbine Loss Mechanisms, recommended for the Journal of Turbomachinery [conference: ASME Turbo Expo GT2019-90307]
Lee, W.Y., Dawes, W.N. and Coull, J.D., 2019, Physics-Based Part Orientation and Sentencing: A Solution to Manufacturing Variability, recommended for the Journal of Turbomachinery [conference: ASME Turbo Expo GT2019-91591]
Morris, W.J., Coull, J.D., Dickens, A.M.J., De Luca, A. and Udrea, F., 2019, A Novel MEMS-Based Probe for Unsteady Aerodynamic Measurements: A Proof-of-Concept Study, accepted for The Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society [conference: XXIV Biennial Symposium on Measurement Techniques in Turbomachinery, Prague 29-31 August 2018]
Coull, J.D., Clark, C.J. and Vazquez, R., 2019, The Sensitivity of Turbine Cascade Endwall Loss to Inlet Boundary Layer Thickness, Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society Vol. 3
Saul, A.J., Ireland, P.T., Coull, J.D., Wong, T.H., Li, H. and Romero, E., 2019, An Experimental Investigation of Adiabatic Film Cooling Effectiveness and Heat Transfer Coefficient on a Transonic Squealer Tip, Journal of Turbomachinery, 141(9), p.091005.
Gardner, E.L.W., Vincent, T.A., Jones, R.G., Gardner, J.W., Coull, J.D., De Luca, A., and Udrea, F., 2019, MEMS Thermal Flow Sensors ̶ An Accuracy Investigation, IEEE Sensors Journal
Mansoor, M., Haneef, I., De Luca, A., Coull, J.D. and Udrea, F, 2018, A Maskless Etching Technique for Fabrication of 3D MEMS Structures in SOI CMOS Devices, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Article reference: JMM-103282.R4
Coull, J.D., 2017, Endwall Loss in Turbine Cascades, Journal of Turbomachinery Vol. 139(8) pp. 081004
Ng, H.C.-H. and Coull J.D., 2017, Parasitic Loss Due to Leading Edge Instrumentation on a Low Pressure Turbine Blade, Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 139(4), p.041007
Caloni, S., Shahpar, S. and Coull, J.D., 2016, Numerical Investigations of Different Tip Designs for Shroudless Turbine Blades. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, pp. 709-720
Coull J.D. and Atkins, N.R., 2015, The Influence of Boundary Conditions on Tip Leakage Flow, Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 137(6)
De Luca, A., Haneef, I., Coull, J.D., Ali, S.Z, Falco, C, and Udrea, F., 2015, High Sensitivity Single Thermopile SOI CMOS MEMS Thermal Wall Shear Stress Sensor, IEEE Sensors Journal 15(10), pp.5561-5568
Coull, J.D., Atkins, N.R., and Hodson, H.P., 2014, Winglets for Improved Aerothermal Performance of High Pressure Turbines, Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 136(9)
Nagabhushana Rao, V., Tucker, P.G., Jefferson-Loveday, R. J. and Coull, J. D., 2013, Large Eddy Simulations in Low-pressure Turbines: Effect of Wakes at elevated Free-stream turbulence, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 43
Coull, J.D. and Hodson, H.P., 2012, Blade Loading and its Application in the Mean-Line Design of the Low Pressure Turbine, Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 135(2)
Evans, S.E., Coull, J.D., Haneef, I. and Hodson, H.P., 2012, Minimizing the loss produced by a turbulent separation using vortex generator jets, AIAA Journal, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 778-787
Coull, J.D. and Hodson, H.P., 2011, Unsteady Boundary Layer Transition in Low Pressure Turbines, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 681
Coull, J.D. and Hodson, H.P., 2011, Predicting the Profile Loss of High-Lift Low Pressure Turbines, Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 134(2)
Coull, J.D., Thomas, R.L. and Hodson, H.P., 2010, Velocity Distributions for Low Pressure Turbines, Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 132(4)
Most Recent Publications
Implementation of cooling slots at the pressure side rims of squealer tips
Implementation of cooling slots at the pressure side rims of squealer tips
High Effectiveness Tip Cooling Using Inclined Slots
High Effectiveness Tip Cooling Using Inclined Slots
The Impact of Manufacturing Variations on the Aerothermal Performance of High-Pressure Turbine Blade Shrouds
The Impact of Manufacturing Variations on the Aerothermal Performance of High-Pressure Turbine Blade Shrouds
Pneumatic-probe measurement errors caused by fluctuating flow angles
Pneumatic-probe measurement errors caused by fluctuating flow angles
Numerical Investigation of Real Roughness Scales on Boundary Layer Transition
Numerical Investigation of Real Roughness Scales on Boundary Layer Transition